7 steps to look your best on that D Day!!

So the most awaited day of your life is just around the corner and Alas! You have a blotted tummy! Now that was actually the nightmare you got a few days back, (thanks to the so expensive designer lehanga and the sherwani you just ordered from your favorite designer..of course your tummy needs to be perfect for it)..But don’t worry my dear; there is always a quick fix to such deadly nightmares. AFTER ALL BEING SEXY IS ALL ABOUT YOUR ATTITUDE…!! So technically speaking you cannot reduce a lot of fat in that short span of time, but you can surely reduce those few inches around your belly by decreasing your total body FAT PERCENTAGE. And you really don’t need to completely alter your daily habits to get that flat tummy. Just around 7-10 days and you will be ready to flaunt your designer dress the way you always dreamt of. 1.ENGAGE YOUR CORE ALL THE TIME!! I BET IT…Engage your core most of the times in the day and see the result…you will feel your clothes getting looser!! Just TUCK IN YOUR TUMMY 30% WHILE BREATHING AND TALKING (CAN RELATE 30% TO TUCKING YOUR NAVAL JUST THAT MUCH THAT IT DOES NOT TOUCH YOUR SHIRT). Doing this throughout the day TONES UP YOUR TUMMY. ATTENTION: NO ABDOMINALS PLEASE. THAT WILL POP OUT YOUR BELLY MORE INSTEAD OF FLATENNING IT. DO A COMPLETE BODY WORK OUT. 2. CIRCUIT TRAINING If you want to build your muscles and burn more fat, perform a circuit training protocol for the whole body, rather than just your abdominals to burn total body fat. Simple exercises such as Lunges, Pushups, Pull ups, chest curls, Squats etc can be done in the gym…15 repetitions /3 sets. Don’t forget to coordinate your core exercises with it…because that’s the key to your flat tummy! NOT A GYM LOVER/NO TIME FOR GYM...NOT AN ISSUE...YOU CAN STILL HAVE IT ALL! Look for a RESISTIVE BAND (easily available online)...Perform simple exercises with the resistive band for biceps, triceps, chest, thighs, calf…etc at home 15 repetitions/3 sets …engage your core with all these exercises….and see the MAGIC.!! 3. EAT MORE OF FIBROUS AND PROTEIN RICH FOODS FOR DINNER Dinner is the culprit for the devil. Having more of fruits, veggies, dal, eggs, chicken etc for dinner helps improve your digestion and leaves you feeling lighter. 4. AVOID SALT AT NIGHT To minimize water retention, one should lower the sodium intake. Flavor your food with herbs and spices instead. 5. DRINK LOTS OF WATER That’s the key for your glowing skin and keeps flushing the toxins from your body. 6. STAY AWAY FROM ALCOHOL Alcohol can make your tummy feel bloated. SO stay away from that love for a while. 7. SAY BYE –BYE TO STRESS! Stressing and anxiety can cause over production of a hormone called CORTISOL, which encourages weight gain about the belly area. So try to keep cool!!